Welcome to Ingleby Manor School

We hope your move from Primary school to Secondary school will be a happy and exciting time, but we also know that most of you will not really know what to expect when you get here

Year 5 Workshops

Ingleby Manor School are excited to offer workshops across our subjects to local primary schools.

Students in years 5 will be given the exciting opportunity to work with various departments and undertake workshops in a variety of topics.

Primary schools can register interest and book a place via the buttons below.

Useful Pages

Below are a few pages you may find useful when first starting at the school.

Special Educational needs

Our SEND department is liaising with the primary schools throughout the summer term to collect and share SEND information.

If your young person is on the SEND register at primary school, they will transfer onto the SEND register at Ingleby Manor.


At Ingleby Manor we use an assessment tool called SNAP. This will help us to identify areas of strength and difficulties for your young person. The information you share will be used in collaboration with a student and teacher questionnaire (we will ask primary to complete the school questions) to inform an initial focus for support and/or interventions. More information about SNAP can be found here: https://snap.rsassessment.com/#/core/welcome

Learning Passports.

All students on the SEND register at Ingleby Manor have a Learning Passport. This is the information shared with all staff about your young person to help support them in school.

The Learning passport will be created using the information from primary schools, the SNAP questionnaires, and the SEND questionnaire. The links and QR codes to these questionnaires are provided on the reverse of this.

The Learning passport will be shared with you to check prior to September, and an example is attached.

Key Worker.

Your young person will be assigned a key worker to meet with them each half term. The Key Worker will check in with your young person and help them set their own personal goals and targets to work towards. They will record this in a key worker booklet, to track check ins and progress.

SEND Team.

Louise Arnold:         SENDCO

Sarah Johnson:       Aspiring SENDCO

Maisie Jarrett:           SEND Administrator

Contact:                   sen@inglebymanorschool.org.uk

SEND Register consent & questionnaire


Parent/carer SNAP questionnaire

For students to complete

Learning Passport Example

Ask us a Question

If you have any concerns or questions about starting secondary school that have not been answered on the year 6 transition portal, please don’t hesitate to contact us and our Year 6 Transition Coordinator will be happy to answer them for you.

Please email your questions for the attention of Mr Dunning to: transitioncoordinator@inglebymanorschool.org.uk

Title your email: Year 6 Transition Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Starting a new school can be a little scary if you don’t know what to expect. To help overcome any concerns you may have, we have outlined some questions and concerns that some of our current students had before joining us along with some of their advice for you.

MAKING NEW FRIENDS  – I’m worried about making new friends

“Its not hard making new friends at Ingleby Manor School, everyone is so friendly and welcoming and I made new friends that came from different primary schools to me on my first day”

“Don’t worry you will make friends in your tutor group and in you subject lessons, you will also get a chance to meet new people and see friends from other classes at break, lunch and during clubs and activities”

“I have lots of friends at school which makes things fun and exciting”

“I was very worried before I started Ingleby Manor as I didn’t know anyone. When I arrived everyone was so nice and some of the older girls showed me around and looked after me until I felt better”

“I made loads of new friends on transition day which made it more exciting when I started as we couldn’t wait to see each other again”

GETTING LOST – What if I can’t find my way around school

“At first the school seemed massive but you quickly get used to it”

“Everyone is really nice and approachable and is happy to help you if you can’t find where you need to go”

“You will get a map of the school when you arrive which will help you know where each class is”

“If you are unsure about where to go, ask a member of staff who are really friendly and happy to help” 


“Everyone has to wear a uniform so we all look the same, this stops me worrying about my clothes”

“Be yourself, everyone is different with different tastes and people don’t judge you on your fashion”

“Wearing a uniform stops me worrying about what to wear everyday”

“The uniform at Ingleby Manor School is very smart and everyone is proud to wear it” 

EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS – What am I going to need?

“You will be given a school planner and a timetable when you arrive”

“Make sure you always have a pen, pencil, ruler, rubber and a reading book with you”

TEACHERS – What will my teachers be like?

“The teachers are really friendly and helpful”

“All the staff in school are approachable and willing to help you”

“You will have a Tutor and a Head of Year who are there to support you, I really like mine”

“You have to work hard but the teachers help you if you are struggling” 

FRIENDS – Will I be with my friends?

“The school try to put you with at least one friend from your primary school in your tutor group”

“I am with some of my friends in my tutor group but I see different people in lessons and have made lots of new friends as a result of this”

“I didn’t know anyone when I joined the school and my tutor was aware and helped me make new friends from the first day”

“You will see your friends at break and lunch time each day” 

OLDER STUDENTS – Will the older kids boss me around?

“Everyone is really nice”

“When I first started, everyone seemed so big and scary but once I got to know people I found that everyone was friendly”

“Some of my new friends are from older year groups”

“When I got stuck with some work, one of the older kids helped me out” 

PERFORMANCE – What if I am not good at something?

“Teachers are always happy to help”

“There are teaching assistants in school that help some kids who are struggling”

“Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you need help”

“Don’t worry nobody knows everything, just do your best” 

LOST PROPERTY – What if I lose something?

“There are lost property boxes in the changing rooms in PE”

“Make sure you have your name on all your stuff, it helps to find it if it goes missing”

Paying for Lunch and other Items

Ingleby Manor School uses My Child At School App

MCAS is a cashless payment system which allows Parents/Carers to pay for school lunches, trips, revision books etc online alleviating the need for the students to bring money into school.

– Each student will be allocated a MCAS account. 

– A letter providing an activation code and instructions on how to set up an account will be provided in the days prior to your child’s start at the school.

– Students will have a biometric reading of their thumb scanned. This will be linked to their account and will be used to debit their account for lunch payments.

– It is the responsibility of the parent/ carter to ensure that their is sufficient funds available for lunch payments. Insufficient funds may result in students being denied lunch.

To avoid a student being denied a lunch, any arrears on an account will be notified to the Parent/Carer so payment can be made.

**Please note, the first week of term, all new students will be permitted to take lunch whilst accounts are being set up. Students will not be denied a lunch during this time. Any lunch taken will be deducted once the account is set up.