Students who have a special education need are actively engaged through specific, targeted support with significant input from the SENCo and mentors with expertise in SEND. We are committed to continual liaison between staff and parents to ensure that effective provision results in progress. A team of mentors supporting the faculty areas are expected to support SEN provision and a small number of mentors have direct responsibility for any statemented students or those with high levels of need.

What is SEND?

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities [SEND] is a term used to describe the needs of a child /young person who has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.

SEND covers a broad spectrum of difficulty or disability falling into four categories: cognition and learning; communication and interaction; sensory and/or physical; social, emotional and mental health.

Communication and Interaction

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – ADHD
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder – ASD
  • Speech, language and communication – SLCN

Cognition and Learning

  • Dyslexia and Dyscalculia – SpLD
  • Dyspraxia – DCD
  • Global Learning Delay – GLD
  • Moderate Learning Difficulty – MLD

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

  • Attachment difficulties
  • Pathological demand avoidance – PDA
  • Severe phobias
  • Social and emotional needs

Sensory/ Physical Needs

  • Hearing Impairment – HI
  • Physical or medical needs
  • Sensory Difficulties
  • Visual Impairment – VI

School are required by law to provide education for all students, regardless of ability or needs.

A young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or has a disability which prevents or hinders facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age.

Teaching and Support

At Ingleby Manor Free School we endeavour to make sure a student with SEND receives the support they need, and engage in activities of the school alongside their peers so far as is reasonably practical and compatible with their needs.

The teaching and learning requirements of all students with SEND is primarily the responsibility of the class teacher with support from Learning Support. This reflects the principle that SEND is a whole school issue and a recognised aspect of all curriculum planning. All teachers at Ingleby Manor teach students with SEND delivering high quality lessons. Teaching is personalised and differentiated to meet the individual needs of all students. Dependent on student area of SEND need further provision and support may be considered appropriate both inside and beyond the classroom and the SENDCo will advise teachers on how they can be linked to classroom teaching.


At Ingleby Manor Free School people working to support your child include:

SENCo – Louise Arnold
SEND Governor – Rachel Cawthorne
Consultant SENCo – Sarah Gill

SEN Email: