Student Leadership Council
Student Leadership Team
Our ‘all new’ student leadership team will be allocated areas of focus in the new academic year and will lead the student body, lead on events and initiatives and represent the school in these areas.
Senior Leadership
The SLT are an elected body from the school and are organised into various working groups: Charity, Transition, House Identity, Community & Fundraising, Equal Opportunities, Student Wellbeing, Anti-bullying, and Leaning/Achievement.
The groups meet regularly, supported by a member of the school SLT with their views always considered.
CHARITY The charity group oversees all that the school does in terms of fundraising from deciding what charities to support to how to raise money.
TRANSITION The transition group provides expertise in supporting student transition through key stages and assists the school staff transition team in visiting feeder primaries throughout the year.
HOUSE IDENTITY is a key driver in installing competitiveness across school , the team provides innovative ideas in how to raise competition and support engagement with activities provided. Working with the community is another area of focus – the team liaises with external groups to provide opportunities to strengthen links in the local area. The team also encourages all voices to be heard.
EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES The equal opportunities group work throughout school and provide lots of thoughtful discussion as to how we can facilitate a feeling of inclusiveness throughout.
STUDENT WELLBEING & ANTIBULLYING Student wellbeing and the antibullying group work closely as a team to ensure students are happy, confident and know who and where to go if they have any issues regarding bullying whether physical, verbal or online.
LEARNING & ACHIEVEMENT For learning and achievement, the group is keen to foster aspiration across school – they do this by working alongside staff to monitor and tweak the school praise system where necessary.