Accessing the Home Learning
All staff and students have a Microsoft 365 account that gives them full access to Microsoft Teams.
The user account looks like this a password will be issued in school and the user will be asked to change this when they first login. If a user forgets their password they can reset it by contacting
KS3 Home Learning (Years 9 to 9)
Teachers will set Home Learning in class and students will record this in their planner. Teachers will also set Home Learning as an assignment on Teams.
In the ‘Home Learning Team 24-25’ for their year team, students will find weekly assignments in English, History, and Geography. They will find fortnightly tasks located there for Performing Arts and PE. Art will record Home Learning here too and will provide a Home Learning sketchbook for each half termly activity and it is the student’s responsibility to look after this and return it to school for the deadline.
Music, Food Technology, Computing and Engineering will set their Home Learning in their class team and this will involve fortnightly tasks.
Home Learning will be set weekly in Maths, Science, and Spanish. Maths uses the platform ‘Sparx’, Science uses ‘Sparx’ and Spanish uses ‘Language Nut’.
An example of the rota for the Autumn Term is below:
As you can see, in most subjects, Home Learning will be an electronic quiz set on forms. These quizzes relate to retention and recall and are based on lessons, the Delta Knowledge Organisers (to be distributed at the beginning of the Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms) and Schemes of Learning across Key Stage 3 to build up cumulative knowledge. Students can access their Knowledge Organisers to help them with these quizzes and their lesson powerpoints and resources are placed on the Class Team. These quizzes can be completed on an iPhone, an iPad or a desktop computer.
If students do not have access to devices, they can use the Home Learning club. (Details below)
We are continuing our Key Stage 3 Home Learning offering because:
- We know that home learning has a positive impact on attainment (+ 5 months of progress).
- We know that home learning is effective if tasks are well-designed and are linked to classroom learning.
- We know that involving digital technology typically ensures greater impact (+ 6 months of progress).
- We know that immediate feedback can improve student learning.
- We have excellent knowledge organisers that need to be more formally incorporated into our school life.
- We know that home learning promotes independent study skills vital for success at Key Stages 4 and 5 and later academic and working life.
- Success at Key Stage 4 relies upon retention and recall – basically remembering what you are taught.
- The content tested in our electronic quizzes will assist students in class and in assessments which take place in December and June.
Completion of Home Learning is linked to participation in the Summer Trips.
Home learning expectations for students in various years in various subjects are below.
KS4 Home Learning (Years 10 and 11)
Teachers will set Home Learning in class and students will record this in their planner. Teachers will also set Home Learning as an assignment in their Class Teams.
KS4 Home Learning will involve tasks that teachers deem suitable. Typical tasks for Home Learning might include assignments set on Language Nut, Sparx or GCSE Pod. Tasks might be revision and consolidation pieces, extension or project work.
Home Learning at KS4 is weekly, other than in BTEC Digital IT, BTEC Enterprise, GCSE Computer Science where it is set fortnightly.
If students do not have access to devices, they can use the Home Learning club. (Details below)
Students will be given one opportunity per term to miss a deadline and then they will receive a C4 detention for missed Home Learning with a detention issued.
General Information
All students know how to access their Teams account (they just need their school email address and password) and how to submit assignments. Information regarding this will be reiterated in Tutor time and in assemblies. However, if there is any uncertainty, I would encourage students to see their form tutors who will assist them. If students are uncertain of their email address/ password, there is an IT Drop in Service on a Tuesday and Thursday break time. Language Nut, Sparx and GCSE Pod passwords can be reset by class teachers.
Home Learning Club takes places Monday to Thursday from 3.30 to 4.30pm and all are welcome to attend and G03 is open on a morning from 8am to invited students.
If homework is not completed, teachers will stamp planners to inform home and upon signing the planner weekly, you will be able to keep track of homework.
Accessing Microsoft Teams and learning platforms:
All students should know their usernames and passwords. If you have any issues with this please email school detailing your child’s name and if known username
School Email and User account |
GCSE Pod |
Hegarty Maths |
Language Nut |
Additional Learning Resources
Key Stage 3
Accelerated Reader Quizzes
Key Stage 4
Additional work will also be set and/or accessed on the following websites (click to access):