Safeguarding Young People
Ingleby Manor school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. Parents can feel confident that careful procedures are in place to ensure that all staff and volunteers are suitable to work with children within the school. Ingleby Manor School encourages parents and children to talk freely about any concerns or worries which may affect educational progress. It is important to us that parents and students see the Ingleby Manor School as a safe place.
Children will be taken seriously if they seek help from a member of staff. Students may be referred for additional bespoke support from external agencies who work closely with the school. The school will endeavour to work in partnership with parents at all times to inform them of additional support required or accessed for their child. However, staff cannot guarantee to consult parents first, or to keep children’s concerns confidential, if a referral must be made to agencies in order to safeguard the child’s welfare.
If you have any concerns relating to any student in our aschool please contact one of the following designated staff
Designated Safeguarding Lead – Mrs Beverly Bird
Student Welfare Officer & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead – Miss Tracey Horkan
Safeguarding Team – Mrs Louise Arnold
Who to contact for Support
Local support:
- Early Help – Single point of contact 01642 527225
- Thornaby Family Hub – 01642 528947
- CHUB for serious concerns about welfare of children 01642 130080 or out of hours 01642 524552
Mental Health Wellbeing:
- Footsteps – 01642 061047
- Miss Horkan (School Pastoral & Sen Support Officer)
Community & Partnership Team (Cleveland Police)
The Teams consists of 12 staff who work across the Cleveland area engaging and educating young people.
- 3 School Liaison Officers
- 4 Early Intervention Officers
- 4 Youth Offender Officers
- 1 Sgt
The team engages with all age groups ranging from ages 3 – 19 years along with parents and have worked with IMFS on a number of occassions. They offer advice and presentation on a variety of topics such as Knife Crime, Internet Safety, Bulling, County Lines, Hate Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour.
Medical Arrangements
Ingleby Manor Free School has a team of fully qualified First Aid Officers to ensure that someone is on duty during the school day should a student require medical attention. We do allow self-administration of medicines, on condition that the medicines are kept in the main office and a parental letter of consent is provided with the medication details including dosage, times and any advice on storage.
Our First Aider also arranges the immunisation programme and health assessments and appointments, where necessary. If a child needs to be sent to a doctor or hospital during school hours every effort is made to inform parents as soon as possible.
Student Records
To help us to support your child, it is important that our records are kept up-to-date. Information recorded on students is, of course, available for parents to see on request. Essential information includes names, addresses, emergency telephone numbers, house and set lists and transport arrangements. Please do let us know whenever any changes in your child’s details occur. This information is essential should there ever be an emergency.
Confidential Information
If there is any confidential information that you feel we should know in order to understand and supplement your child better, please write a personal letter FAO Mrs B Bird (DSL) who will ensure the information is distributed in line with your instructions.
Child Protection
Children and young people have individual rights. Above all, they have the right to have their basic needs met and to be free from harm. The protection of our children is enshrined in law and our school procedures adhere to those defined by Stockton Local Authority. At the heart of this policy is a referral to the Social Services Division. A senior member of the School’s Leadership Team has a specific responsibility for child protection issues.
Should a child report an incident to the school or a member of staff witness something that concerns them the system outlined below will be followed;
Protection from Bullying
Our School community treats all accusations of bullying as serious matters of concern. Teaching and support staff are aware of the need for vigilance and will follow up any incident that could involve bullying. Students are encouraged to take a key role in making our school a safe and happy place for everyone. They should tell someone if they are being bullied or see any form of bullying. Parents should contact the School if they suspect that their child is being bullied.