
Ingleby Manor School has excellent standards of attendance.  Regular attendance is important and absence should be restricted to the unavoidable.  It is a legal requirement that schools keep accurate records of student attendance.

Except for illness, no student should be absent from school without the permission of the Principal in advance.  Parents are requested not to arrange family holidays or outings in term time; such absences are undesirable because they severely disrupt the student’s programme of learning and assessment.

A home visit welfare check is conducted for students who have more than 3 consecutive days absence.

Absence due to illness

You are required to contact the school every day your child is absent via email to the attendance mail box with an explanation of your child’s illness and when they are likely to return.  If the absence affects subsequent days, we would be grateful if you could contact the  Attendance Officer via the attendance mailbox on each day of your child’s absence.

Advance permission for medical appointments should be communicated to the Attendance Officer and evidence provided of the appointment.

Leave of Absence Request

Ingleby Manor School will not grant permission for leave of absence for holidays during term time

Amendments to The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 made in 2013 removed references to family holiday and extended leave as well as the statutory threshold of ten school days.  The amendments make clear that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.

All requests for absence must be made in advance in writing, via the Leave Of Absence form which are located in the reception area. Please state clearly the dates of the intended absence together with the number of school days that will be affected. Leave of absence cannot be authorised retrospectively. 

Authorised and unauthorised absence

Examples of absence which would be authorised by the school are:

  • Sickness
  • Medical or dental appointments which cannot be arranged outside school hours
  • Days of religious observance
  • Representing your country or county in a sporting event, or performing as part of a theatrical group (Principal permission required)
  • Exceptional circumstances (Principal permission required)

Examples of absence which we would regard as unauthorised are:

  • Truancy
  • Staying at home to look after younger children or sick relatives
  • Birthdays
  • Resting after a late night
  • Relatives visiting or visiting relatives
  • Attending concerts or having days out to attend local events
  • Any absence about which the school has not been informed by letter and approved


Students, who arrive late, after 8.25 a.m. should report to the School Reception, who will record the late arrival.  Please note detentions are given to those students who are late for the next available date shown in their planner.

Where students are persistently late appropriate action will be taken and parents informed.  Attendance and punctuality information is recorded on school reports.  


Although we ask that appointments for students are made outside of the school day or in school holidays so as not to have an impact on their education, we understand at times this is not always possible for medical and dental appointments and as such students will need to be collected from school during the day. With this, the following process must be adhered to:

  • A copy of a students appointment booking is to be sent to the Attendance Coordinator via email to or if a paper copy is provided,  this is to be handed in at reception. Without proof of a students  appointment, this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.
  • The parent is required to write in their child’s planner on the corresponding day of the appointment,  stating the time they are being collected from school (not the time of the appointment). This must also be signed by the parent/carer.
  • The student is to show their teacher the note in their planner and the teacher, ONLY once they have seen this is to then permit them to leave the classroom at the time  stated in the note.
  • The student is then to head straight  to reception ready to be collected.