Summer Trips 2024 – Wednesday 10th July

We are excited to announce the Summer Trips that will be taking place on Wednesday 10th July.


Each trip is available to all year groups and the places for each trip are limited as outlined in the letter below so booking is on a first come basis.


To attend the Summer trips, students have to complete 70% of their Sparx Maths home learning. This can be completed at home or in homework club which runs Monday – Thursday from 3.30pm -4.30pm. Students will be notified if they are not where they need to be and are at risk of not meeting the eligibility target. Failure to complete the required work, will result in the student being declined attendance on the trip and any money paid will be non-refundable.


Payments for each trip must be made in full at time of booking and payment once made is non-refundable and non-transferrable as tickets will be purchased with the venue.

Payments can be made via the MCAS app and consent will be requested at time of payment on the app for your child to attend their chosen trip.

Trips can be booked on the MCAS app from 6pm on Monday 13th May

Payment deadline for all trips: Friday 21st June